A Typical Mentoring Session
Get to know how an AOC mentoring session would be
and how the AOC training and mentoring program can help you
Here's an overview of the timeline . . .
0:00:00 Greetings and a mention of program timelines
0:03:03 Sentence analysis—Introduction
0:05:16 Logic-based sentence editing
0:11:01 Sentence analysis—cont'd
0:39:32 Principles followed while editing
0:46:54 Something about dictionaries
0:49:39 Principles followed while editing (cont'd)
0:52:05 How mentoring helps a participant
0:53:24 Some specific instructions to participant
0:54:33 Something about the next course
0:57:30 A little personal touch at the end
0:59:48 How this program can help a participant
1:00:47 Continuation of assurance and motivation
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